Tuesday, 21 August 2012


Heyy everyone so here’s the cake I made!! I thought it would be a cute idea since it's here 21st birthday and yes the Barbie is throwing up rainbow sprinkles! Hah I also made the cake rainbow inside as you can see! It was super easy; I just separated them into different containers then colored them each a different color. After that just poured them in one at a time and made it look flowerish by dragging a straw from each corner to the middle! It turned out pretty well as you can see! Since we have no oven in my apartment we cooked this bad boy in the toaster oven and totally worked! Anyways so that is my cake that I wanted to show you guys but I still have a lot to do tonight before I go to bed so I'm going to go! Thanks for reading!

Carlee Jean

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