Friday, 3 August 2012

Back to School

Hello everyone! Sorry I haven’t posted all week! I started classes this week and everything was a bit hectic! Figuring out which classes I want to take and when and how to find them, the website they have here is impossible to find stuff, very annoying. I'll get straight to the point with the picture! Since you probably can’t read the tiny text in the picture, it says that I have got approved for an au$3,000 scholarship from The University of Sydney and I am very excited about it! I applied for it in like April so I really just figured I didn't get it but on Wednesday I got this email saying I did! I really was very stressed out this week trying to figure out my classes so this was just the thing to boost my mood! Any ways on to my week it was good for the most part as I said though very stressful. I feel like a freshman in high school again. I missed two of my classes’ already just cause I couldn't find the room they were in. And going into a classroom where you know no one is a lot scarier than I remember. It most likely has to do with the fact that I’m in another country so I feel extra out of place, luckily everyone here is super nice. I’m just glad the first week is over! It’s awesome though because I’m pretty sure I'm only going to end up having classes on Wednesday and Thursday! Those days are going to be a pain but it does mean I have 5-day weekend! The classes I am taking are printmaking (which was really fun the first day), gender ethics, youth cultures, and Greek mythology! All are intro level classes but I don’t know how easy they will be. Here schooling is very different, you are expected to do a lot on your own its not as guided as in the US. Like in every single one of my classes we only have 3 or 4 major writing assignments and that's it, no homework or anything. So that will take some getting used to. But for the most part I am excited for the school year beginning getting some structure in my week. I also just joined the gym so I am going to start working out on Monday too! Looking forward to it kind of ha but I will be writing soon! Tomorrow we are going to a street fair so I'm sure I will have stories and pictures to share!
Carlee Jean  

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