Tuesday, 24 July 2012

The Tourist

Hello everyone sorry about missing yesterday! But it was very full day of signing for classes and meetings I am very happy because I got into the printmaking class that I wanted to get into!! Yesterday I also went on a harbor cruise! It was an amazing and that is where I took this not so amazing picture ha. I had to use my phone to take it so it’s not the best quality. We went out to the clubs after they are so different the bars that I'm used to broad ripple. There are strobe lights everywhere foam being sprayed in the air and people dancing everywhere. It’s crazy but awesome. Anyways I woke up today a bit home sick because I think its because I had a dream about being home last night. It really makes me miss home and my family and friends. Luckily for me Peej (my friend from home who is studying in the Gold Coast) is coming today! I am very excited to see her. But I realized that I don’t really what we are going to do because I haven’t really done any tourist things yet.

So I have decided to try and be a little more touristy and get out and really see Sydney and not just the part that is right by me. I have to research a little as what we can do but I am looking forward to getting out of my side of town I think we might got to Paddy’s Market today which just like a very cheap little street market thing.  Then I think for dinner we are going to go to a place called Urban Bites (I know it’s one of Kalvins favorite places) and I already know what I'm getting. They are the wedge fries with a sweet chili sauce and cream cheese my very favorite meal here and I haven’t gotten yet so I'm sooooo excited! (It will most likely be my picture tomorrow) I will say that yesterday realized how much I'm going to love living here. I was walking and ran into some friends and was talking about what we were going to do that night. I don’t know, its just nice to actually start getting settled in here and feeling more comfortable here. But anyways I will keep you guys posted on my adventures the next couple of days with Peej

Oh I also added a pic that you can actually see me in from surf camp, meant to put it in my last post but forgot!

Carlee Jean

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