Hello all I am back! Sorry I know its been a while since I have
wrote but to be totally honest its because not much has been going on with me!
On Saturday night I didn’t end up going because I felt sick and it was a $20
cover charge to the place that we were going, hah so decided to stay in and get
a good nights sleep. Then on Sunday I had the definition of a lazy Sunday. I
only left my room like 4 times to make meals and left my place once to go get ice
cream ha I guess it was more like a veryyyyy lazy Sunday. But it was kinda nice
to be honest I have been doing stuff with people everyday and night it was nice
to get a break! I even got to read The Hunger Games and am now almost done! Very
exciting hah! Today I was going to use to figure out all my classes and what
times they were at and the internet broke down for a good 9 hours so didn’t end
up getting much done till a couple of hours ago. It was kinda nice though
because it forced me to do other things like reading more of The Hunger games
and lead me to create my picture for today!
So this what I was telling you all about a while ago when I went
to Vinnie’s and got a painting and used something off Pinterest to reinvent it. Unfortunately it didn’t turn out exactly the way I planned but I kinda like it anyway.
It was definitely kind of an experiment. I painted over a copy of Vincent Van Gogh’s
paintings, I marked out the saying, (if you couldn’t figure it out) “If not now
then when,” I’m hoping this can be kinda of an inspirational thing for me to
get out there and do stuff! Maybe it can work as a little Motivational Monday
for you guys! Which gives me the great idea to start doing motivational Monday’s
each week! I hope this quote reminds you that you only live once and you might not have tomorrow so you should get out there and finally do whatever it is you want to accomplish in life! This week is a practice run and then text week I will be better prepared! But I am about to hit the hay because my classes officially start
tomorrow!!! Hopefully I will be blogging tomorrow or at least the next day!
Carlee Jean
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