Friday, 20 July 2012


Okay so today is going to be a short entry since I have to leave in 15 min for my surf camp but I thought I would write a little something because I know how much my parents will appreciate it. Still don’t have my camera charger so I am taking pictures with my phone still. Today picture is of the first real meal I have made here. I made zucchini fries, which were pretty decent but need some kind of dipping sauce. All I did to make those is dipped in egg then bread crumbs and cooked for 20 min at 250 some got a little burnt but hey it was my first try. Then just had some pasta with tomato sauce and added canned mushrooms, very tasty if I do say so myself. Also I am having my very first diet coke over here! Taste a lot like the diet coke back home which is a very pleasant. The reason I decide to make this my blog for today is I am thinking about having a cooking blog on the side but I am not sure yet. We will see how that goes considering I just found out there is no oven here.

Oh well anyways I will not be posting these next two days because I officially decided to go the surf camp. I’m not as worried about it as I was before because one of my roommates is going too so now I don’t have travel they’re by myself! I’m looking forward to it now; I'm just hoping a shark doesn’t eat me! So make sure to say a prayer for me!  I also am looking forward to finally meeting some people; I have been kind of cooped up in my room lately! But I have to go I will be back in a day or so

1 comment:

  1. So jealous, Calizlet. Keep posting so I can live vicariously through you!! Miss ya, buttmunch!
